Wednesday 16 September 2015


England have launched their own war dance to try and neutralise the All Blacks' haka - its a bit of a send up called the the Hakarena.

WB awaits the predictable chorus from the usual suspects about cultural insensitivity, racism and utter outrage that will surely be faithfully reported by the MSM.

Tuesday 4 August 2015


Prince Charles has been appointed to three honorary positions in the New Zealand Defence Force.

Prime Minister John Key said today that Queen Elizabeth had approved the Prince of Wales’ appointments.

The honorary positions are Admiral of the Fleet of the Royal New Zealand Navy, New Zealand Army Field Marshal, and Marshal of the Royal New Zealand Air Force.

WB fully supports the decision to confer these appointments.

The NZ Defence Force has very close and abiding links to the Royal Family given that all members of the Force swear an oath of allegiance to HM The Queen.

Friday 31 July 2015

The Anthem

WB has tried very very hard to recall a time, any time where it was preferable to sing the Aussie Anthem rather than God Defend NZ.

The very thought is incomprehensible and as much as WB thinks that Andrew Little is little more than a tried and true socialist cloth cap wearing union hack with severe chip on shoulder deficiencies, one cannot help wondering if he is in fact suffering from some sort of illness which manifests itself in delusional outbursts of irrational verbosity.

It is just plain stupidity to think that a Kiwi Blue, Red, Green or otherwise would prefer to sing Advance Australia Fair.

Monday 15 June 2015


WB refers to the article on so called Ponygate

The article included the statement;

"Mr McCready was quick to file papers. The litigator, who successfully prosecuted former Act leader John Banks, filed with the Human Rights Review Tribunal claiming sexual harassment by Mr Key."

WB was under the impression that the prosecution failed against John Banks. (If I was Banskie I would be lawyering up for defamation proceedings).

WB also understood that the unsuccessful prosecution was actually taken over (unwisely as it happens) by the Crown.

So, NZ Herald two mistakes in two lines of print.

Maybe the NZ Herald meant McCready's successful prosecution of Labour MP Trevor Mallard??